My experience with Male Survivors has been excellent, I have enjoyed the connection this organisation provides, being amongst men with similar experiences , being able to relate , understand the effects within myself helps with everyday decisions and how to move forward, develop to be the best version of myself, and be there for support. A definite highlight from the Male Survivors group was an evening with a Guest Speaker “Jeremy Eparaima”. I found his presentation Raw, unscripted , empowering . Truly blessed to have his story told . The presentation has helped allot with the understanding , reflecting growing up and how experiences have played an influence to where I am today, with this understanding I can make conscious decisions , sometimes out of comfort zone decisions to enable personal growth. In the short time I have been with the group, it has helped to be more present, to show up more, be in the moment and make the most of Life. The Past doesn’t reflect the future and anytime is a great time to start or move another step forward. Continual never ending improvement and personal development.